I have the best family and friends!!
Just over two years ago I started this journey, and even though I am NERT, I still go to the JEC. But, sometimes it’s not for checkups. It’s for showing my appreciation to the nurses, doctors, and staff( sorry if I didn’t name y’all there’s a lot of you:) ). This picture is ALL the candy I got donated to the hospital by friends and family during my Girl Scout nuts and candy sale in the fall!!!
Last year when I took the candy up to the 10th floor I was surprised at how excited all the employees were to get a yummy treat.
Our troop sold these treats in the fall, and I’ve had them since around Thanksgiving, but I wanted to wait until after the chaos of the holidays to deliver them. Today became designated delivery day because cookies are coming and we need the space!
I’m thankful for all the staff that helped save my life and I’m thankful to give them this little treat as a thank you. Right now, cookies are being sold and I’m trying to get 100 boxes to the hospital staff. If you want to help by ordering go to estes.pw/cookies24 and write hopital on the address.