We peeked at the scan results before my doctor appointment today. They showed I’m still NERT (no evidence of recurrent tumor)
YAY for GREAT news!
Getting my IV for the scan contrast is different every time. This was a bad one. The first vein they tried blew. The second vein they tried was on my hand and that blew. The third try was in there, but it still hurt.

Awesome news🙌.
Can’t believe how tall you are.
Uncle Dave and Aunt Patty
Yay! That is worth celebrating! Love all these pics!
YES!!! Super great 🥳
Great news!!! So thankful for your continued courage. May you always have good news ❤️
Yay!! So happy for your great news!
Yippee!! Rejoicing with you 😊
Yay Joanna! That is such wonderful news! I’m so thankful for NERT!
That’s terrific news. I’m so happy for you!! ❤️🌈🎊😁👏
Great news!! congratulations!!
Great News.
That’s great news ! You sure are getting TALL❤️
Wonderful new! And i bet you’ll grow even taller!