Hello again, Jessica here. With Joanna’s permission, I’m sharing this info about the upcoming blood drive at the Memorial Road Church of Christ. We’re humbled to share that she will benefit from the donations made this coming Sunday 5/30.
Many people have asked what they can do to help her in this battle. Donating blood is one way that people can help. Her oncologist has told us to expect her to need some transfusions during her 24 weeks of treatment. Participating in this blood drive not only gives her credit for units of blood, but also helps the supply be available.
Please know that if you are able to give, we are grateful! We know that not everyone can, and that’s ok too. Also, due to privacy rules we won’t be given a list of donors, so a lack of individual thanks from us isn’t a lack of gratitude, just a reality of how the rules work to protect everyone 🙂