
we had very short notice so back to the hospital with us!

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Back to the hospital

Joanna asked me to let you all know that we’re packing up stuff to head back to the hospital for surgery today. She gets to get a covid test and then settle in until the OR and the surgeon’s schedules line up. We knew surgery would be coming but we didn’t know it would be… Continue reading Back to the hospital

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Joanna’s as busy as a beaver this week! 🙂

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update from mom

Hello everyone! Joanna agreed I could do a guest post tonight 🙂 We’re thankful to share that her tumor removal surgery yesterday went great! Having a great team was such a blessing. Her surgeon has lots of experience: with cancer, with kids, with ENT things, and probably with tons of other things that I have… Continue reading update from mom

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In the hospital

Here I am in, in the hospital waiting for my discharge. I am doing my spirograph that is really fun!

Surgery Eve

today I got my COVID 19 test , my nurse friend Erin showed me how to put in a IV into a rubbery plastic straw. It was really cool. When I got my COVID 19 test I got to keep a clean version of one of the swabs that they put in your nose to… Continue reading Surgery Eve


Friday is surgery day! About two weeks from surgery I am going to get chemo!


First there’s the COVID next cancer at the same time! So,I’m getting tests for before any anesthesia. From a kid’s perspective it is really uncomfortable. But, if we wear our masks we can stop COVID together. So, wear your masks!

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This big word is the official name of my cheek muscle cancer (which is in my lump). It comes from dumb cells that only know how to eat and multiply. Healthy cells learn their jobs. These dumb cells don’t learn their jobs. They only know how to multiply and keep doing that until they make… Continue reading Rhabdomyosarcoma

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